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Introduced to the world in 1998, World Kindness Day is celebrated each year on November 13th with the intention of focusing on the positive and highlighting good deeds in the community.
Here are a few things you can do to start inspiring kindness in your everyday life.
Complimenting someone is one of the easiest ways to extend kindness. Next time you notice someone making an effort or doing something great, speak up.
Whether you’re just saying “hi, how’s it going?” or wishing someone a happy birthday, receiving a card in the mail is something anyone can appreciate.
Sending an e-gift card to your coworker for a cup of coffee or mailing a book to a friend are small ways to remind people that you’re thinking of them.
Giving blood saves lives, and hospitals are always in need of blood donations. Learn more about giving blood here.
With the holidays right around the corner, many organizations are beginning to host annual food, gift, and clothing drives.
Research organizations in your area that engage in community service activities. With many events going digital, there is a wide range of ways to give back.
Writing a list of all of the things you are thankful for boosts happiness and is a great way to reflect on the things that are going well in your life.
At GLOBO, we envision a world without language barriers where everyone has the opportunity for a great experience, no matter what language they speak. If you're interested in how you can incorporate an empathic approach at your organization by improving accessibility to the 25 million+ Americans with limited English proficiency, these 3 steps are a good place to start:
Placing a strong focus on customer-centricity or patient-centered care can help your organization understand how people experience your services, from the very first interaction to the last. If every person (no matter what language they speak) deserves the opportunity for a great experience, everyone in your organization must be properly trained and equipped. Developing a language access plan (or revamping an old one) is a great way to look at your patient or customer journey, gain executive buy-in, and map out success.
In order to communicate with customers or patients, you must first understand the demographics of your community. Determine if your organization has existing information on your community's population or review existing Census data to get an idea of who might come into contact with your organization. Pulling together this information will be a critical step in developing a language access plan that fits the needs of your community.
The right language solutions provider will be an active partner in ensuring the success of your language access plan. A simple, easy-to-use platform, access to qualified interpreters, and access to data and reporting are all things to look for when choosing a provider. You should also ask to review their business continuity plan, quality assurance process, security certifications, and interpreter qualification requirements.
At GLOBO, we’re journeying toward a future where everyone has the same experience no matter what language they speak. With GLOBO interpreting services, translation services, insights, and more live in one place. Gain unprecedented visibility into usage and trends. Communicate in over 430 languages. Join the revolution and provide better experiences (for everyone).
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