Ease the Pain of Claims Processing with Better Interpreting Services

To ensure your policyholders get the seamless support they need after an incident, your company needs to provide superior language access – which includes telephone interpreting – for the significant and expanding Limited English Proficient (LEP) population.

But it's not just your customers that are beholden to exceptional language services. Your company, too, enters the danger zone when communication breaks down.


Here's what you'll glean from this guide:

  • COMMUNICATION: Defuse language barriers to improve customer retention when working with limited English speakers.
  • EARNINGS: Streamline overhead with data.
  • RISK: Protect your profits against legal risks and mishandled claims.
  • VALUE: Improve your customer experience and keep your staff happy.
  • CONNECTIONS: Broaden your company’s reach into non-English-speaking communities.

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